|2-Dear Diary $28F |1-A day in the life of $FB2 |1-JOKre/WILDFIRE $FF3 |1-Saturday 25th May 1996 06:30am Entire family has been away in France for 1 week now. Cat woke me up by scratching on my bedroom door. Got up, pulled on clothes in a haze. Washed. 06:38am Fed the cats and made bowl of Weetabix. Made a black coffee (it's called Folgers, does anybody else drink it??). 06:40am Continued reading The Dead Zone by Stephen King. 07:30am Finished The Dead Zone. Not bad but nowhere near as good (or as long) as "IT" - which I class as the best book I've ever read. 07:30am Started trying to work out why "Worms" has not been working forthe last 3 weeks. 08:20am After re-installing Worms three times and removing every resident program from memory one at a time I discovered that it was my mouse blanker that was the problem. Played worms for an hour. 09:30am Stacked dishwasher and turned it on. Took out rubbish. Found half a pigeon outside the back door - a present from my cats. Other half most probably laying somewhere around the house. Don't you just love suprises? 09:32am Opened mail: 1) Bank statement - £00.61 c (just ordered a modem, now skint). 2) Postcard from sister, weathers great, bitch. 3) Socks arrived from "Littlewoods Home Shopping group". 4) Letter from Centrex Computer Systems: Dear Mr Spadaccini Thankyou for your application regarding the position of Junior Systems Analyst with our company. We regret to inform you that due to your lack of work experience and formal qualifications in this field you will not be required to attend an interview. We will however bear your application in mind should a suitable position arise in the future.....blah blah blah. 5) Letter from college reminding me of my AS Level Computing exam that I'm due to sit. Not bad timing considering I only took it last Tuesday. 09:40am Installed Flashbak onto HD using assigns. For some reason I now get all the animation - I used to get text instead in some situations. 10:10am Walked into Bournemouth to see if "Game" had anything new in. I wasn't shocked at the result. That's 2 hours wasted. 12:30am Got back and made a curry for lunch. Spent 10mins eating it and then 20mins on the bog getting rid of it. 13:00pm Phoned MegaTronix to ask why my 28,000 modem hadn't arrived. They told me that they had none left - even though I had reserved one by phone! Got ready to shout until I heard the words "send", "US Robotics", "38,600bps" and "no extra charge". Said "Thankyou" at a rate of about 20 times a second for the next minute. Put down phone. Did a little dance. 13:10pm Got phone call from Sorcerer asking if me modulator/de-modulator had arrived. Relayed above information. His reply has been withheld due to illigality and plain non-existance of most words. 13:30pm Wrote this article. Considered re-naming it to a morning in the life of... but couldn't be arsed. $A9E Now read this text 6205 times and you'll have a pretty fair impression of my entire life. If any body else has a life this boring then I strongly recommend commiting suicide. I would have done so already but my mum insists on keeping corks on the end of all the sharp objects in the house. JOKre/Wildfire They say that it isn't easy being perfect but I seem to manage it OK